***Facts, beat BullS**T all day, Everyday

Urgent Request for Scrutiny of Delegate Kimberly King-Hinds’ Proposals: Prioritizing American Taxpayers
Dear Chairman Graves,
This letter conveys my grave concerns regarding any and all legislative proposals and funding requests originating from Delegate Kimberly King-Hinds of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). I implore you to ensure that the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure conduct an exhaustive and critical evaluation of these proposals. This call for heightened scrutiny is essential to safeguard the interests of American taxpayers and uphold the principles of fiscal responsibility.
The basis for these concerns stems from credible and persistent reports of systemic corruption, financial mismanagement, and questionable allegiances within the CNMI, raising serious doubts about whether Delegate King-Hinds has the best interests of the American people at heart. Prioritizing an "America First" agenda requires that we meticulously examine the following:
The CNMI’s Past Misuse of Federal Funds: Deeply investigate the allocation and expenditure of federal funds within the CNMI under Delegate King-Hinds’ purview. This investigation should specifically focus on:
COVID-19 Relief Funds (CARES Act): Investigate the misuse and theft of these diverted federal funds that did NOT benefit and or were granted to specific businesses and individuals over the American people.
ARPA Funds: Analyze if these have truly supported struggling American families and businesses.
See our OPEN LETTER TO REP.JAMES COMER: https://www.cnmiga.org/post/open-letter-to-rep-james-comer-the-house-oversight-committee-investigate-the-550m-defrauded-fro
Department of Defense Funding: Interrogate how these have been managed and used.
Conflicts of Interest and Influence: Rigorously assess any potential conflicts of interest involving Delegate King-Hinds, her family, or associates, particularly concerning their ties to entities benefiting from federal funds or CNMI government contracts. Is there influence from CCP Chinese Corporations that control the political strings in the CNMI such as: TAN Holdings Corporation, and or the United Filipino Organization and is Delegate King-Hinds complicit?

CW-1 Visa Program and American Jobs: The CNMI-Only Transitional Worker (CW-1) program requires particularly close inspection. Determine whether this program undermines American workers by:
Displacing American workers: Verify the extent to which the CW-1 program encourages a dependence on foreign labor over American workers.
Depressing Wages: Is this causing a depression in wages and employment opportunities for Americans?
Exploitation: The exploitation of foreign labor is a serious threat.
Repopulation from the Philippines: Why is the CNMI overly concerned with Importing workers from the Philippines?
National Security Vulnerabilities: Given the CNMI's strategic importance in the Pacific, the Committee must rigorously assess whether Delegate King-Hinds' actions could compromise national security; Why is Delegate King-Hinds sole concern regarding China and the Phillipines?.
Immigration Policies: Does the CNMI's lax immigration policies contribute to a growing national security threat?
Potential for Exploitation: Are these policies open to exploitation by hostile entities?
Article XII and Land Ownership: Scrutinize Article XII of the CNMI Constitution, which restricts land ownership to those of Northern Marianas descent. Does this unfairly discriminate against American citizens and perpetuate economic inequality? Why are American taxpayers sending federal funding there, while they themselves cannot purchase and own land?
Prioritizing American Interests: The Committee must ensure that Delegate King-Hinds' proposals align with an "America First" agenda, which prioritizes the needs and interests of American citizens above all else. Ask the following:
Are American jobs protected?
Why has there been no investigations and or convictions: regarding the tens of millions stolen, transferred out of the CNMI, wasted and defrauded from various federally funded programs: such as the American Rescue Plan Act, CARES Act ect?
Are American interests being served?
Is the United States being weakened or strengthened?
I must also address the grave injustice stemming from the CNMI's exclusion from the full jurisdiction of the Fourteenth Amendment. This Committee must recognize and act to remedy this egregious violation of constitutional principles that deprives American citizens of their fundamental rights.
The CNMI currently operates with an unacceptable level of autonomy to discriminate, effectively denying American citizens the legal recourse to seek justice in federal courts when their rights are violated. This is a direct contradiction of the very essence of the Fourteenth Amendment, which was designed to guarantee equal protection and due process under the law for all.
This Committee must not stand idly by while the CNMI perpetuates this unconstitutional state of affairs. Therefore, I demand that you take immediate and decisive action:
End the Fourteenth Amendment Exemption: Introduce and champion legislation that unequivocally extends the full force and effect of the Fourteenth Amendment to the CNMI. American citizens deserve no less than the full protection of their constitutional rights, regardless of where they reside.
Strengthen H.R. 569: Ensure that any border security or immigration legislation, including Representative Brian Babin’s H.R. 569, includes specific provisions to rectify the CNMI's Fourteenth Amendment deficiencies. Border security cannot come at the expense of fundamental rights.
Enforce Equal Protection: Insist on rigorous enforcement of the Equal Protection Clause within the CNMI to eliminate all forms of discrimination based on race, national origin, religion, or any other protected characteristic.
Guarantee Federal Court Access: Remove all barriers that prevent American citizens and residents in the CNMI from seeking legal redress in federal courts when their 14th Amendment constitutional rights are violated.
The time for half-measures and complacency is over. The Fourteenth Amendment must be applied fully and equally to the CNMI, without delay or compromise.
I must also bring to your attention the alarming reports of widespread student visa fraud at Northern Marianas College (NMC), and the disproportionate burden this places on American taxpayers. While the stated goal of programs such as the NextGen Scholarship, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is to remove financial barriers for students pursuing vital fields, there are significant concerns about the program being exploited by non-American citizens at the expense of American taxpayers. The CNMI's limited oversight and a history of fraud make the potential for non-citizens improperly receiving benefits high. In addition, non-US citizens are attending and receiving education at the expense of American taxpayers.
Delegate King-Hinds has previously stated that "this scholarship program has been a lifeline for students, and disruptions in funding threaten their ability to continue their education." However, it is essential to question whether this lifeline is primarily benefiting American citizens or whether it is being used to subsidize the education of foreign nationals with American tax dollars.
The Committee must investigate the following points regarding NMC and student visa programs:
Eligibility Verification: Thoroughly audit the eligibility verification processes for the NextGen Scholarship and other similar programs at NMC. Ensure that only eligible American citizens are receiving these scholarships.
Visa Compliance: Investigate the visa status and compliance of all foreign students attending NMC. Determine if there are instances of students overstaying their visas, engaging in activities inconsistent with their visa status, or obtaining visas through fraudulent means.
Financial Transparency: Scrutinize the financial records of NMC and its scholarship programs to identify any misuse, waste, or abuse of funds.
Program Effectiveness: Evaluate the effectiveness of the NextGen Scholarship and other similar programs in achieving their stated goals. Determine if these programs are truly benefiting American citizens and contributing to the CNMI's long-term economic development.
Given the multitude of concerns outlined above, it is imperative that we address a fundamental question: Why should the American taxpayer continue to send their hard-earned tax dollars to the CNMI when American citizens:
Are barred from possessing land due to discriminatory land ownership laws?
Are denied the full protections of the Fourteenth Amendment, leaving their rights vulnerable to abuse and discrimination?
Are forced to witness the CNMI's systemic defrauding of various federally funded programs, resulting in the diversion of resources to non-American citizens?
Are effectively subsidizing the education and welfare of non-American citizens, with estimates suggesting that as much as 80% of all federal funds sent to the CNMI under the "Block Grant Designation" are ultimately benefiting those who are not American citizens?
These are not merely hypothetical concerns, but documented realities that demand immediate and decisive action. The American taxpayer deserves a clear and compelling justification for the continued flow of funds to the CNMI, and I urge the Committee to demand a full accounting of how these funds are being used and whether they are truly serving the interests of American citizens.
I firmly believe that comprehensive audits and rigorous vetting are indispensable to protect American taxpayers, prevent corruption, and safeguard the integrity of our government. I request that the following individuals, copied on this letter, are directly involved in this oversight:
Thomas Massie, Brian Babin, Mike Bost, Doug La Malfa, Bruce Westernman, Troy Nehls, Tracey Mann, Burgess Owens, Vince Fong, Jeff Hurd, Tony Wied, Brian Mast, Peter Stauber, Tim Burchett, Jeff Van Drew, Scott Perry.
Please be certain that they are also aware of the CNMIGA.ORG articles, which provide critical background information.
(1) https://www.cnmiga.org/post/cnmi-delegate-elect-s-platform-under-scrutiny-an-america-first-analysis
CNMI Del. Kimberlyn King-Hinds said how federal agencies will effectuate and implement President Donald Trump’s executive orders, especially as it pertains to immigration and securing America’s borders, remains to be seen, adding that there are issues of constitutional authority that need to be vetted out and that the process between Congress and the White House toward greater clarity is well underway.
“Broadly, what matters is the ability of the CNMI to be economically self-sustainable. As it relates to immigration, we need workers and we need visitors, but these needs are often tied up with issues that crop up like birth tourism and immigration violations. Yet, since the federal government took control of the CNMI’s immigration and instituted this system it never truly funded adequate enforcement to make the system work as it could,” the CNMI’s representative to Congress said.
King-Hinds said this has created a narrative that the CNMI can’t handle its business, especially when it comes to illegal immigration and birth tourism.
“I believe in having our businesses succeed and our ability to be economically self-sustainable, but I also believe in law enforcement. For our economy to succeed under our constraints with labor and in our location of the world, we need a robust enforcement system to ensure that our unique conditions are fully compliant with the law,”---Said, the Puppet of Tan Holdings and the United Filipino Organization.
It is time to move forward with an America First agenda.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this critical matter.
Zaji Zajradhara
Program Director