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Breaking the Silence: The Truth About Federal Funds Mismanagement in the CNMI


Justice for the CNMI: A Call to Action Against Corruption and Mismanagement

The recent revelations surrounding the misuse of federal funds in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) highlight a growing crisis of corruption, mismanagement, and betrayal of American and Indigenous citizens. Led by whistleblower and advocate Zaji O. Zajradhara, the push for justice demands immediate attention and action from federal authorities.

Newly seated Delegate Kimberly King-Hinds must answer critical questions about her stewardship of the CNMI Ports Authority, which continues to suffer fiscal instability from her leadership. Unaccounted funds, including an estimated $25 million in Department of Defense and other federal allocations, remain shrouded in mystery. Despite her husband's reputation as a successful prosecutor, Chief White-Collar Crime Prosecutor Chester Hinds has failed to issue any statements or advocate for investigations into their government associates and friends.


***Federal Court Filing Against the THEFT of + $ 550 Million in Federal Funds


The CNMI’s corrupt practices, from obstructing access to American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to suppressing whistleblowers like Zajradhara, require urgent federal intervention. While Delegate Hinds has yet to call for transparency or accountability, Zajradhara continues to expose the systemic fraud benefiting a select few, often to the detriment of true Indigenous Americans and lawful citizens.

This web of corruption, compounded by the CNMI government’s favoritism towards imported labor and non-American entities, demands oversight from federal agencies. The incestuous relationships within the island's leadership perpetuate a cycle of fraud that has earned the territory its historical moniker, “Islas de los Ladrones” (Islands of Thieves).

It is time for America First patriots to rally behind Zajradhara, putting personal safety on the line to expose these injustices. The silence from leaders like Kimberly King-Hinds and Chester Hinds only underscores the need for external intervention. Representatives like James Comer and federal watchdogs such as the Department of Justice must now focus on the CNMI to dismantle the rampant corruption undermining the islands and their people.

Only through bold action can justice prevail for the CNMI’s citizens and the American taxpayers whose funds have been exploited for far too long.

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